On my website I have an "Ask Michelle" toggle and culture can email me to ask me questions in the order of debt random collection or credit. I of late received this question:
"I have give or take a few 15yrs in the omnibus industry. I have collected on car notes, medical accounts.. I'm currently in working condition as a builder enclosed a medical artefact in North Carolina. The joint venture I trade for is supported out of South Carolina. I righteous lately started moon light telephone self-pay accounts for this medical inflexible after hours. The company that I'm employed in South Carolina is gainful me as a free constructor instead of my orderly earnings for work time I labour during the day. My inquiry is since I'm doing 1st delegation collections, and I sought-after to tap company line of work on self-pay accounts for learned profession firms in the expanse could I carry out for them as a indie builder instead of referring to myself a anthology agency, and not go finished all the licensing for the fatherland of North Carolina. Also how can I marketplace myself too to work as a builder or else of representing myself as a display agency?"